Here are some useful art and humanities links for students -

  • Mother of All Art History Websites - great place for more information about the field, images, and museums on a national scale.
  • ArtLex - an art dictionary
  • Pink Monkey - "The World's largest library of Literature Summaries, with 379 book notes / chapter summaries / study notes online currently, and so much more."
  • Humanities Web - "The mission of Humanities Web is to build a humanities site that will show the interconnections, the web, the links, between history, the arts, and culture - and how each plays off and influences the others."
  • Art Industri  - "promotes the work of students, amateur & professional artists and art galleries as well as encouraging the appreciation and interest in visual arts through a network of sites offering promotional tools, reference information and resource services to the art community."
  • Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture - an architectural terms dictionary with helpful images.
  • Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - great biographies and explanations
  • Music History 102 - "a guide to Western composers and their music from the Middle Ages to the Present."
  • Timeline of Art History - "A chronological, geographical, and thematic exploration of the history of art from around the world."

These are helpful websites for grammar, citation, & research paper writing